Soul Advisor
show me your eyes
and I will read your soul
. . . receive guidance on love, career, money . . . connect to loved ones who have passed . . . call Trish and release your soul
Tricia Ruiter
Psychic/Medium/Spiritual Advisor

Soul Advisor
show me your eyes
and I will read your soul
. . . receive guidance on love, career, money . . . connect to loved ones who have passed . . . call tricia and release your soul
Tricia Ruiter
Psychic, Medium
Spiritual Advisor, Pet Communicator
Tricia Receives Messages From God & Shares Them With You

HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?! - Live Psychic Reading
if you have been waiting for a sign... this is it
Contact Tricia Today

I knew I was different...
It was in high school, there was a guy that would stand in the hallway and when I looked at him he had this blank stare. Then I would see him during lunch and he would stare at me from across the room. Everyone thought he liked me but I knew that stare meant something else and it scared me. A few weeks later my friend came running up to me in the hall and said, “Tricia you know that guy that kept staring at you? He's dead."
How to Connect to Your Angels Workshop - Dates to be announced.
What's the difference between a Psychic & a Medium?
The primary purpose of psychics, in my opinion, is to confirm to us what our own intuitions are telling us in order that we learn to trust our inner wisdom. If a psychic can help us do that, they’ve done a wonderful job.
Mediums (often called psychic mediums because they are both psychic and mediumistic) receive messages from spirits, including our deceased loved ones and our spirit guides, ascended masters, and angels. Their ability is best for spirit communication.